Hi, my Name is John…
From a Wreck to a Gem…
In 2011, I lost my Dad and that really hurt. I started using Meth and Drinking nonstop. I was arrested on a Dope charge in December of that year and got Probation. Did I stop what I was doing? Not even close. Everything accelerated to where I was drinking before work, during work and after work. I finally had enough as did my sister. In 2016 she threw me out of the house, and I became homeless, couch surfing for almost 2 years. I was going to change. I started attending Celebrate Recovery, and all was good for the next 3 or 4 months until I lost my Mom in January of 2018. I was living with my brother at the time, and he saw that I was going back to my old ways. He said, “you need help, and you need it fast”. This is when I found Soul’s Harbor on April 13th of 2018. I finished the program in October of that year. I had become a different person through a Program that gave me something I haven’t had in some time, which was Hope! I became fully aware of who I was and what I could become. I left the Harbor in June of 2020 and started a new chapter in my life. It didn’t last long, due to my failure of being selfish, and I relapsed in September of that year. I came back in December to focus on what I was doing wrong and make it right. Through the Holistic approach of Mind, Body and Spirit and the 12 Step process, I celebrated a year of sobriety on December 27th of last year. I can say that this time, I understand who and what I am. I am John, an Alcoholic and Addict, who only must stay sober for One day at a Time. I am a Survivor and a Precious Gem now. They told me when I first got to Soul’s Harbor, “Do not leave before the Miracle happens”. I didn’t understand what that meant at the time, but I do now. Thank You Soul’s Harbor for Investing in me. Now I can pay it forward. For information regarding intake/admission into our recovery facility, please contact: Dispatch Representative Soul’s Harbor Substance Abuse Program Questions and Intake New Online Donation Processing: To help Soul’s Harbor financially you can donate by clicking the donate button.Hi, my name is John. I am an Alcoholic and a Drug addict. My story begins on December 20, 1976, when I was born at Baylor Medical Center. I grew up in Mesquite, Texas. My Father worked for the City of Dallas Wastewater Department and my mother worked for Exxon / Mobil as a Secretary. In my early years I was a good kid. Unfortunately, that took a turn for the worse when I got to High School. After every Football game, I drank so much I blacked out. I ended up quitting High School and got a Job at Checkers Hamburgers. That was when I was introduced to Cocaine. I had that job for a little while, until the manager saw that I was drinking on the job and fired me on the spot. In 1994, I was arrested for Aggravated Robbery and was sentenced to 7 years in 1995 to Texas Department of Criminal Justice prison. I ended up doing all 7 years and got out in 2002. I got a job at the Hard Rock Café through an old friend from High School after my release. I started right where I left off before I went to prison,…
Soul’s Harbor, Inc.
13134 Nile Drive
Dallas, Texas 75253
972.286.5282 Fax
Please contact our intake Manager
Cell number 214-663-9684
Soul’s Harbor, Inc.
13134 Nile Drive
Dallas, Texas 75253
972.286.5282 Fax
Soul’s Harbor can now provide the convenience of taking your donation request online. Just follow the link to our online “Household Donation Request Form”. We are also now taking vehicle donations and have an online donation processing form for this too. “Vehicle Donation Request Form”