May 2019 Newsletter

Planting our Vegetable Garden

Volunteers from Saint Thomas Aquinas Young Adults visited Soul’s Harbor to pitch in and get a little dirty. They planted vegetables to get the Soul’s Harbor’s spring garden started. In a couple of months, we will be picking the vegetables from our garden and serving organic food to our homeless men. Many thanks to all of the volunteers from Saint Thomas Aquinas Young Adults for their participation and hard work in getting our spring garden started.

Hoop Donation

We were blessed by an anonymous donor who donated monies to pay for a full-court asphalt basketball court along with matching hoops. Our guys love that they can shoot hoops or participate in a “pick up” basketball game in their free time. Along with yoga and our weight room, the basketball court fits nicely into the physical segment of our holistic program.
A BIG Soul’s Harbor Thank You to our anonymous donor.

We need your help…

Soul’s Harbor homeless shelter is supported solely by our four thrift stores. You can donate your household items via phone (972-286-1940) or our “Household Donation Request Form” page. We also take automobiles “Vehicle Donation Request Form“. So if you have old clothes, furniture, appliances, household items, or even a car to donate to Soul’s Harbor, either fill out our online form or call our dispatch office at 972-286-1940. Our dispatch office is open Monday through Saturday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

We are sustained solely through our four thrift store sales. We rely on your donated items to support our shelter. At Soul’s Harbor, we would like to thank all our customers that donate their items and also our thrift store customers. Because without our customers, there would be no Soul’s Harbor.

Thank you and God Bless.
Brent Sig
Brent Burmaster
Executive Director of Soul’s Harbor Homeless Shelter

Dispatch Representative/Main Contact Number:
Soul’s Harbor, Incorporated
13134 Nile Drive
Dallas, Texas 75253
972.286.5282 Fax

Thank you so much for your financial consideration. Note, your tax-deductible contributions may also be submitted through PayPal to*Please note: Users of Internet Explorer 8 and above may experience difficulties with our PayPal “Donate” button. Please access PayPal directly to make a financial contribution to Soul’s Harbor, Inc. Thank you!